Human Resources Analysis
You are a human resources analyst and your manager has several adhoc requests that you need to complete. The company has been concerned with various areas such as employee performance, potential pay disparities, attrition, and recruiting numbers.
Feel free to explore the data as you wish. If you have your own story you would like to tell, go for it. But, we have provided some questions to help guide your analysis. You don’t have to do them all.
You can analyze the data in any tool you like (Tableau, Power BI, python, R, Excel, etc.) But, your manager would like to see a dashboard. The dashboard will be used for monitoring performance. She would also like for you to generate a slide deck to present your analysis and recommendations to the VP of Human Resources of the company.
The slide deck can be done in Google Slides, PowerPoint, Canva, or any other tool. Be sure to save it as a PDF.
General Exploratory Data Analysis
- What is the average age of employees in each department?
- What is the median pay rate for each position?
- How many employees are there in each department?
- What is the distribution of gender across each department?
- What is the average performance score for each department?
- What is the breakdown of marital status among employees?
- What is the distribution of employment source?
- What is the distribution of race among employees?
- How many employees are full-time vs part-time?
- How many employees have a performance score above average?
- What is the relationship between performance score and pay rate?
- What is the performance score distribution across different races?
- What is the relationship between age and performance score?
- How does the number of days employed vary with the pay rate?
- What is the gender distribution for each position?
- How does the number of absences relate to the performance score?
- What is the relationship between department size and performance score?
Hypothesis Testing
- Is there a significant difference in the pay rates of males and females?
- Is there a significant difference in the performance scores of different departments?
- Are older employees more likely to leave the company?
- Does pay rate influence the reasons for termination?
Correlation Analysis
- What is the correlation between employee age and pay rate?
- What is the average pay rate increase per year?
- What is the relationship between the number of days employed and performance scores?
- How does marital status affect performance score?
- How does the number of special projects correlate with performance score?
- What is the correlation between the number of special projects and the number of days employed?
Deep Dive Analysis
- What is the turnover rate for each department?
- How does pay rate vary by position and department?
- What are the top 5 positions with the highest average pay rate?
- What is the attrition rate among different positions? Is there any significance in the differences? Hint: what statistical test evaluates ratios among different groups?
- What is the average age of employees who leave the company?
- How many managers are there for each department?
- What is the average pay rate for each employment source?
- What is the attrition rate based on the employment source?
- What is the distribution of reasons for termination?
- How does employee satisfaction vary across departments?
- What is the turnover rate for different positions? Is there any significance in the differences? Hint: what statistical test evaluates ratios among different groups?
- What is the relationship between recruitment source and employee performance?
- What is the effect of citizenship status on performance score?
- What is the effect of citizenship status on pay rate?
- Does the number of special projects have an effect on attrition rate?
- What is the average pay rate based on citizenship status?
- What is the average number of days employed for each performance score category?
- What is the average number of special projects worked on in each department?
- How does the length of employment vary with reasons for termination?
- What is the average number of days employed for each performance score category?