Challenge 13: Netflix Analysis
Those who submit an entry will be eligible to win a free copy of any book related to data analysis by Packt! The more weeks you participate, the smore chances you get to win!
There is no deadline for submission.
You are a data analyst at Netflix and your manager has asked you to analyze some data. She has provided the following set of questions she would like answered.
Get the Data
Download the dataset here.
Challenge Questions
Challenge Questions
- Is there any missing data? Deal with them accordingly.
- Using the ‘date_added’ column a new column called ‘year_added’ that only has the year the title was added.
- Using the ‘date_added’ column a new column called ‘month_added’ that only has the month the title was added.
- Check the data types. Anything look odd? Adjust accordingly.
- What is the most popular release year for movies on Netflix?
- What year did Netflix add the most content to its platform?
- What is the movie with the longest title in the dataset?
- What are the top 5 most popular movie genres?
- Create a pie chart visualizing the proportion of movies vs TV shows. Label each section with the percentage.
- Create a dashboard to summarize your insights.
Submission Instructions
Make a LinkedIn or twitter post with a screenshot or PDF of your answers. You can explain your thought process if you’d like. Just make sure to tag the Data in Motion LLC LinkedIn page or Twitter page.